Friday, October 07, 2011

Fascinating... isn't it? This life,

You've received news, and of that I am glad. News, of a positive nature, news
of new beginnings and complimentary essentials. Beautiful statements, exciting purpose,
news of a vocation much adored at the onset.
Wonderful, magnificent, couldn't be happier. Makes you happy. Beginnings in place, object in mind, context of superiors and coworkers, context of framing and potential from within and anticipatory forward motion. Makes you happy. Makes me happy.

I, too, have news. It's old news, but news. I am to leave tomorrow for a journey. Tumultuous beginnings, uncertain progress, but it has arrived.
I've noticed, you've not inquired as to particulars. You don't know how I'm feeling; if I'm excited, sad, anxious.
You don't know when I land, where I'm staying, with whom I will spend my time in this ambiguous introductory solitude.
You don't know why I'm going, what I will look for there, what I will hope to see there.
You don't know a thing about my 'news'.

But you are very very adept at inquiring how I am doing at a particular offhand moment in time.


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