Sunday, September 24, 2006

It vee-gins

This has been a long time coming, but I am finally weaning myself into a vegan lifestyle.
This decision doesn't burden me; rather, I find my mindset toward veganism compelling and secure, so the transition thus far has been relatively smooth. I hasten to use the word, but this lifestyle and the clarity that accompanies it seems very organic, and I find it fits with my personality quite appropriately, thus I am hesitantly excited about it. The only drawback will be in social relations and how people view-classify? Pigeonhole?-vegans, although thus far no decision I've made in my life has truly hindered me, because personality typically rises above stereotype, and I hate to sound pop-punk anti-establishment on this but if anyone doesn't respect my choices, then eff 'em! I think I'll keep a maintenance posting on my progress here though... I'd really like to see my own progression and how this goes. This is a lifestyle, and I hope to adhere to it as well as possible over well... The next century or so of my life... *crosses fingers* (century or so of my youth would be preferred, but that's a touch idealistic to say the least!)
On another note, I set my dad up with a blog again... I truly hope he uses it as a form for his thoughts and musings on all things politically/socially inclined. He really has an awesome brain and very concrete-yet-logical opinions, I think he'd fare well in the anonymity of the online sudo-journalistic sphere of the blog.
It's kind of funny, too, that I am straying away from the journalistic side of quote-unquote 'higher education' to something even more ambiguous and insecure-the music realm. This decision is based on none other then personal interest and observed innate musical talent on my behalf... Much like my transition into writing as a chosen path, ironically enough. It definitely helped me that both my mom and dad were overwhelmingly supportive of this choice.... Perhaps they enjoy the possibility of me engaged in two further years of schooling.... Perhaps they see something in me that I am remotely aware of, yet not fully conscicous of... But their support and enthusiasm is very humbling, very very humbling :)
It does intrigue me that all things in my life seem to have a feel to them, and this feels very real and true and it doesn't require any inner justification. I have a tendency to mentally overinflate things that don't quite feel right, and there's always an aura of uncertainty and slight unease around choices I make that aren't real in nature... Choices that I somehow know I'm not fully engaged in, much like clinging delicately to a fantasy. It happens with Relationships, jobs, educational choices, friendships... And it's funny that I always regain clarity once I veer away from these mentally caustic approaches. Hmmm.
Also, I find it very cool that two of my best friends are aware that I am going vegan and are immediately accepting. "Going vegan? I thought you were vegan?" The littlest things can impact you the most.
On the last-I swear!-emotionally-inclined thread, I have a Big Sisters orientation coming up soon, which I am very excited about. Hopefully it works out that I can become one: I would love to see this journey unfold.

Okay. Post-bar sobering rambles aside... the bar doesn't have the same allure as it once did... I think I've lost my ability (interest) in the pick-up scene at these venues.. Perhaps, just perhaps, I wasn't shatfaced enough to devote energy to this activity. There will be other times!

Good morning to you all, bloggers and surfers of the world :)



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